Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Brown Box Gaming System!

Last monday in our mantech class, we talked about old gaming consoles. Afaik, the oldest and most popular gaming console mentioned in class where the NES. It's funny to see the whole class recall their childhood days playing NES!

Here's the Brown Box...

The whole video game system is powered by batteries. It has a slot for cartridges. The cartridge is for the game logic and screen output. Also, included in this system is the world's first video gun. The gun detects light from the tv screen but the problem is when you point it to any source of light, the gun would always say that it's an hit. Siguro light dependant resistor ginamit? nyehehe

Actually, the Brown Box is a prototype made since 1968 by Ralph Baer. The one introduced in the market was the Magnavox Odyssey. It was released in May 1972. Today, the Brownbox is in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington.

Here's a video of Ralph Baer playing Table Tennis using a Brown Box. You can see that in order to change the game play, they have to switch something in the cartridge.

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